● 个人简介/Introduction
孟波,(1983. 2- ),男,汉族,旅游管理学博士。教授,硕士生导师。主要从事旅游者体验与行为、旅游目的地、旅游信息等方面的研究。曾获山西省“三晋英才”青年优秀人才、山西大学“五四青年”奖章、山西大学“优秀共产党员”等多项荣誉称号。迄今为止,主持和参与多项国家级、省级科研项目;撰写学术专著1部,主编教材1部;在国内外学术期刊和报纸等发表学术成果40余篇(部)。
● 个人信息/Personal Information
孟 波, 男, 旅游管理学博士, 教授, 硕士生导师
通信地址:山西省太原市坞城路92号,山西大学历史文化学院 旅游管理系, 邮编:030006
联系方式: bo.meng@sxu.edu.cn
● 教育背景/Education background
访问学者: 加拿大圭尔夫大学 (University of Guelph)
硕、博士: 韩国东亚大学 (Dong-A University)
学 士: 北京第二外国语学院 (Beijing International Studies University, BISU)
● 主要研究方向/Areas of Research Expertise
● 主要讲授课程/Teaching
● 代表论文/Journal Articles
Meng, B., & Xing, N. (2025). Toy tourism: Exploring the co-creating roles of toy-tourist-destination congruence and self-construal in creating well-being and its outcomes. Journal of Vacation Marketing , 13567667241257713.
Meng, B., Chi, X., Kim, J., Kim, G., Quan, W., & Han, H. (2024). Traveling with pets and staying at a pet-friendly hotel: A combination effect of the BRT, TPB, and NAM on consumer behaviors. International Journal of Hospitality Management , 120, 103771.
Meng, B., Zhang, J., & Choi, K. (2024). The formation of parasocial relationships in tourism social media: A rational and emotional trust-building process. International Journal of Tourism Research , 26, e2650.
Meng, B., Chi, X., Kim, J., Untaru, E., & Han, H. (2024). Norm activation and self-interested process in ethical behaviours for animal tourism: Exploring the function of animal co-creation and Asian cultural values. Current Issues in Tourism , 27(13), 2066-2082.
Meng, B., & Luo, D. (2024). Family tourists' emotional responses at World Heritage Sites (WHSs): The effects of existential authenticity and interpersonal interaction. Tourism Review , 79(4), 840-854.
Meng, B., Lee, M. J., Chua, B., Han, H. (2022). An integrated framework of behavioural reasoning theory, theory of planned behavior, moral norm and emotions for fostering hospitality/tourism employees' sustainable behaviors. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management , 34(12), 4516-4538.
Meng, B., & Choi, K. (2021). Employees' sabotage formation in upscale hotels based on conservation of resources theory (COR): Antecedents and strategies of attachment intervention. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management , 33(3),790-807.
Cui, M., & Meng, B.* (2021). Value co-creation and life satisfaction in home-based accommodations (HBOs). Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management , 49, 519-527.
Meng, B., Chua, B., Ryu, H., & Han, H. (2020). Volunteer tourism (VT) traveler behavior: Merging norm activation model and theory of planned behavior. Journal of Sustainable Tourism , 28(12), 1947-1969.
Meng, B., & Cui, M. (2020). The role of co-creation experience in forming tourists' revisit intention to home-based accommodation: Extending the theory of planned behavior. Tourism Management Perspectives , 33(January), 100581.
Meng, B., Ryu, H., Chua, B., & Han, H. (2020). Predictors of intention for continuing volunteer tourism activities among young tourists. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research , 25(3), 261-273.
Meng, B., & Han, H. (2019). Determinants of working holiday makers' destination loyalty: Uncovering the role of perceived authenticity. Tourism Management Perspectives , 32(10), 100565.
Meng, B., & Choi, K. (2019). Tourists' intention to use location-based services (LBS): Converging the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the elaboration likelihood model ELM). International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management , 31(8), 3097-3115.
Meng, B., & Han, H. (2019). Multiple attributes of cycling tourism in travelers' decision-making process. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism , 20(3), 317-338.
Meng, B., & Han, H. (2018). Investigating individuals' decision formation in working-holiday tourism: The role of sensation-seeking and gender. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing , 35(8), 973-987.
Meng, B., & Han, H. (2018). Working-holiday tourism attributes and satisfaction in forming word-of-mouth and revisit intentions: Impact of quantity and quality of intergroup contact. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management , 9(September), 347-357.
Meng, B., & Choi, K. (2018). An investigation on customer revisit intention to theme restaurant: The role of servicescape and authentic perception. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management , 30(3), 1646-1662.
Meng, B., & Choi, K. (2017). Theme restaurants' servicescape in developing quality of life: The moderating effect of perceived authenticity. International Journal of Hospitality Management , 65(August), 89-99.
Meng, B., & Choi, K. (2016). Extending the theory of planned behaviour: Testing the effects of authentic perception and environmental concerns on the slow-tourist decision-making process. Current Issues in Tourism , 19(6), 528-544.
Meng, B., & Han, H. (2016). Effect of environmental perceptions on bicycle travelers' decision-making process: Developing an extended model of goal-directed behavior. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research , 21(11), 1184-1197.
Meng, B., & Choi, K. (2016). The role of authenticity in forming slow tourists' intentions: Developing an extended model of goal-directed behavior. Tourism Management , 57(December), 397- 410.
Meng, B., Kim, M., & Hwang, Y. H. (2015). Users and non-users of smartphone for travel: Differences in factors influencing adoption decision. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research , 20(10), 1094-1110.
Meng, B., & Han, H. (2014). The efforts of empowerment on employee psychological outcomes in upscale hotels. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management , 23(2), 218-237.
● 其他论文/Other articles
Chi, X., Kim, S., Chiriko, A. Y., Han, H., Cheng, X., Meng, B., & Kim, J. J. (2025). Tourists’ ethically responsible participation in animal-based tourism: A configurational impact assessment. Journal of Vacation Marketing , 13567667241268650.
Chua, B. L., Chi, X., Wichupankul, S., Lee, J. S., Meng, B., & Han, H. (2024). Promoting individual and organization-oriented sustainable behaviors among employees in tourism and hospitality. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services , 79, 103822.
Kim, J. J., Fakfare, P., Lee, J. S., Chi, X., Meng, B., Ryu, H. B., & Han, H. (2023). Determinants of travelers’ image and desire toward animal tourism. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research , 28(10), 1088-1105.
Chi, X., Meng, B., Lee, H., Chua, B. L., & Han, H. (2023). Pro‐environmental employees and sustainable hospitality and tourism businesses: Exploring strategic reasons and global motives for green behaviors. Business Strategy and the Environment , 32(7), 4167-4182.
Chi, X., Meng, B., Zhou, H., & Han, H. (2022). Cultivating and disseminating a festival image: The case of the Qingdao International Beer Festival. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing , 39(4), 373-393.
Choi, K., Meng, B., & Kim, S. B. (2020). The influence of cultural familiarity on Tanzanian millennials’ perceptions of Korea: the mediating roles of involvement. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research , 25(1), 64-75.
Han, H., Meng, B., Chua, B. L., Ryu, H. B., & Kim, W. (2019). International volunteer tourism and youth travelers–an emerging tourism trend. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing , 36(5), 549-562.
Choi, K., Meng, B., & Lee, T. J. (2018). An investigation into the segmentation of Japanese traditional ‘Ryokan’ hotels using selection attributes. Journal of Vacation Marketing , 24(4), 324-339.
Han, H., Meng, B., & Kim, W. (2017). Bike-traveling as a growing phenomenon: Role of attributes, value, satisfaction, desire, and gender in developing loyalty. Tourism Management , 59, 91-103.
Han, H., Meng, B., & Kim, W. (2017). Emerging bicycle tourism and the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Sustainable Tourism , 25(2), 292-309.
● 书(章节)/books(Chapters)
● 项目/Projects
《山西省志 · 旅游志》(1998-2017),山西省旅游发展委员会,2018.1-2019.12(参与),项目编号:01020218010001
● 获奖/Awards
2016年度 山西社会科学“百部篇工程”三等奖
2015-2016 年度山西大学 “优秀共产党员”