● 个人信息 /Personal Information
徐文晴, 女, 哲学博士。
通信地址: 山西省太原市坞城路92号,山西大学历史文化学院 旅游管理系, 邮编:030006
联系方式: wenqing.xu@sxu.edu.cn
● 教育背景/ Education background
硕、博士: 香港理工大学 (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
学士: 北京第二外国语学院 (Beijing International Studies University, BISU)
● 主要研究方向 /Areas of Research Expertise
● 主要讲授课程/ Teaching
<服务质量与服务体验 >_本科
● 代表论文/ Journal Articles
1. 徐文晴, 李咪咪, 刘为潍. 风尘仆仆,终有归处——跨国移民劳工的假日休闲及其疗愈机制[J]. 旅游学刊, 2024, 39(3): 91-105. [XU Wenqing, LI Mimi, LIU Weiwei. Collective healing via leisure experiences on holidays: A case of transnational migrant workers in Hong Kong[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2024, 39(3): 91-105.]
2. Liu, W., Xu, W.*, Li, M., & Lin, G. (2024). Carnival for one day: how holiday leisure contributes to an intersectional ‘we.’ Current Issues in Tourism, 1–21.
3. Xiang K., Xu, W., Li, M. (2024). Sojourning and Being Well Among Contemporary Chinese Gay Men in a Tourism Destination: An Extension of Dynamic Equilibrium Theory. Journal of Travel Research, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/00472875241277491
4. Liu, W., Li, M.*, Xu, W., & Yong, L. (2024). “Hui Laojia”: Children’s visiting experience and geographical imagination. Tourism Management, 100, 104840.
5. Xu, W., Li, M., Lin, G., & Feng, X. (2022). The socialization of preadolescents in family holidays: A serial mediation model. Tourism Management, 93, 104578.
6. Xu, W., Li, M., Liu, W., & Lin, G. (2023). Ritualizing the mundanity of holidays in usual environment. Tourism Management Perspectives, 47, 101133.
7. Li, M., Xu, W*., Liu, W. and Cao, H. (2023), “Networking for innovation dynamics: a design-driven approach in the hospitality industry”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (in press).
8. Liu, W., Li, M.*, Xu, W., & Yong, L. (2024). “Hui Laojia”: Children’s visiting experience and geographical imagination. Tourism Management, 100, 104840.
9. Liu, W., Xu, W*., & Wu, M. (2022) The effect of tourist-to-tourist interaction on life satisfaction: A mediation role of social connectedness. Sustainability, 14(23), 16257.
10. Li, M., Xu, W., & Chen, Y. (2020). Young children’s vacation experience: Through the eyes of parents. Tourism Management Perspectives, 33, 100586.
11. Li, M., Wang, D., Xu, W., & Mao, Z. (2017). Motivation for family vacations with young children: Anecdotes from the internet. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 34(8), 1047-1057.
● 社会服务/ Community Services
2016-2017 北京全域4A及5A级国家旅游景区复核与审查 (主持)
2016 北京居庸关长城国家旅游景区的4A级提升及5A级创建咨询(评审专家)
2016 福建省武夷山国家5A级旅游景区整改咨询(培训专家)
2018 动物主题乐园投资建设报告(主持)
2019 山东省汶阳镇乡村振兴战略规划与实施方案 (主持)
2020 广东省沙溪镇农业发展整体规划与实施方案(主持)
美国酒店与住宿协会 (American Hotel & Lodging Association) 认证酒店教育专家
美国认证协会 (American Certification Institute) 注册国际高级礼仪培训师